
10 thoughts on “The Prodigy: Climbatize (Always Outnumbered Never Outpunned)

  1. hahah wooow thank you for that walkthrough!!
    because of this I just realized the horn track by egyptian empire go sampled in RL Grimes big hit ‘Core’ last year. 23 years later still a banger.

  2. This is fantastic! Been a fan of this tune for so long. So great to see it broken down and re-created. I had such fun going through all the samples that make it up.

    1. Thanks! I’ve promised myself more time to devote to this blog in 2020, got another classic Prodigy track that’s basically finished, so I’ll get that written up soon!

  3. When i have heard this track forvthe first time, remember that i have think waouw, this is an enormous bass and it is so cool. This is the best electronic trance music ever.
    At this time i was 100 feets accross to imagine that are 100% from others musics…

  4. I think they have use a aiplane sample too.
    But what about the sample after the usual suspect that slow down in chord ? Tchiouuuuuuuu ?. Where does he come from ?

    1. Hard to say! I’d imagine it’s an FX from a sample CD like the Simon Harris Breakbeats and Cuts or a Zero G or Data Files one… If you find it I’d love to hear it!

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