
28 thoughts on “Aphex Twin: Xtal (Ableton Recreation)

    1. Thanks bud! Any idea if there some tool to decode DX9 SysEx data to convert to FM8? Could probably get closer with that 🙂

  1. Excellent article and that recreation ain’t bad at all. Really nice work!

    Any chance you might recreate more AFX in the future?

    1. This is awesome, there’s much detail about your process. What it would it sound like if Xtal was produced today? I would love to hear a version without the tape distortion.

      1. On my list of “things to do” is to revamp this article, trim some fat, tidy bits up, replace some missing samples in the Ableton project etc

        When I do that I’ll export a version without any of the degrading artefacts.

        I’m sure someone will make a re-edit one day though 🙂

  2. Good stuff! I honestly feel like if you applied some overdrive to the entire track (not actual distortion, but in a manner just to add more heat to it and make it louder and thumpier), and recorded it into onto a cassette and back onto the computer, it would sound much more accurate. 🙂 Also, the part where the open hi hats come in is missing the two louder/clickier closed hi-hat sounds that precede the open hi-hats. Over all though, pretty amazing recreation!

    1. Aye true, however I wanted to keep the thing entirely within the DAW, and I don’t have a tape player anymore. Thanks for comments still!

  3. I was in the process of learning a bit from this track. this is brilliant ! Thanks you so much.

  4. You really broke this amazing song down into its main ingredients in an easy to understand way, great job. Was messing around trying to recreate this song in Reason 11 when I found this article.

  5. Hi! I’ve found this video yesterday which breaks down how the sound of the main chords for this track is created: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d57a3LRdAVg Turns out it was a sample all along! And from the same track Richard used for the vocal sample. I know this article is old but hopefully somebody will find this information useful.

      1. Not at all – really enjoyed seeing your ‘workings out’ for this piece. A different journey, but lots of good views along the way.

        1. This article (amongst a few others on the site) is on my 2021 list of “big update/reformat” so I’m going to add your corrections in properly.

  6. I was looking through youtube and i found a better cleaner version of evil at play if this of any help at all.
    It just needs to be pitch shifted down, not sure by how much
    Anyway great article explaining the break down of xtal also pronounced crystal
    Due to the actual crystal used in the synth
    (Not too sure) there is a video by EEVBlog on it.Anyway again great recreation and breakdown

  7. I’m convinced it was actually a 606 that was used in addition to the samples, the kick is similar to the 808 but the hats have a different vibe.

    1. Entirely possible but the 606 was just digitals samples of the 808, similar to the R-8. Likely they could be tuned up or down and enveloped accordingly but you make a good point.

  8. Hi Ali! Could you please post the old version of an article with old version of recreation? It wasn’t as close as current, but it was good in it’s own way. I would like to listen that again.

    1. Hi Jaded – Sadly it’s probably confined to WordPress heaven now. There was some inaccuracies in there but also it just had a lot of waffle, I’m trying to slim down some of these older articles. I think the mp3 might still be floating around on my server. That said, even the ancient Ableton project didn’t load properly for me since I’d lost some samples and plug-ins. Apologies!

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