
6 thoughts on “Frequency, Pitch, Overtones, Harmonics and Timbre

  1. the 7/6 relationship that is marked as “er..”
    N.B the distance doesn’t really have a name is incorrect it’s considered a “Septimal Minor third”

    1. Hi!

      Yes thanks for pointing out that, I wasn’t aware of this name but for simplicity (to musicians) I’ve always left it as “an interval we don’t use in western music”, but I’d be interested to hear an example of it if you know any?

  2. this was so intricate and informative! great article. must have taken a lot of effort, much appreciated!

  3. Hi, Ali: You might want to check out some “ancient history” on Just Intonation in a remarkable book by a very unusual composer, Harry Partch, Genesis of a Music (available, e.g., at https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Music-Account-Creative-Fulfillments/dp/030680106X
    Partch developed a 43 pitch to the octave justly intoned system AND special instruments (which he built) to perform his works written in his system. Listen, e.g, to:

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