
7 thoughts on “Jan Hammer Group: Don’t You Know

  1. In the photos of his live setup Jan has the Rhodes on the right, a Freeman String Symphonizer on the left (modified with a Moog Resonator Filter), two Minimoogs with a mixer between them, and an Oberheim SEM behind the right Mini – I think there was a Mutron Bi-phase next to it.

  2. I think that this tune used the Minimoog to create the sequenced sounding bass line being controlled by the Moog Sample and Hold accessory to control the filter, while allowing the oscillators to still track the keyboard musically to track the bass line. He used this same setup in a different way on the Billy Cobham album “Spectrum”, and later compositions like “No Fear”.
    He was/is a master of coaxing different and very musical sounds from the Minimoog.

    1. That sounds totally possible – while there might well bs a S&H module that could power the Minimoog’s filter cutoff modulation, the pattern seemed more repetitive to me? I could be wrong though.

  3. Thank you so much for this intro study ! a dream come true ! I wonder for years to recreate it with my keyboards ! Anyone has tried to recreate the patch on a Minimoog please ?

    1. Sadly the minimoog doesn’t have a sequencer attached to it. You could maybe get the LFO to do sample and hold but it wouldn’t sound the same

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