
2 thoughts on “Modular Synthesis 103: Clocking with Live/Logic (Triggers with Attitude)

  1. Hi, I’m not sure why no one else comments on your fine posts. Just wanted to let you know that I think your articles are pure gold for a n00b like myself. I’m just starting with eurorack and building a west coast-y rig from Elby Design. I was looking through clock and trigger modules on Modular grid and the selection is so vast, how do you know what to pick? This article clears some of my confusion, thanks!

    1. Thanks! I found this topic (along with logic) one of the harder things to grasp when I was starting out. If you want to work with a DAW then I’d recommend something that converts MIDI to CV. Then you might want to multiply and divide that signal (4ms do some good stuff).

      Then you might want various trigger modulators, they Rebel Tech stuff is ace for this, as is Noise Engineering. Eventually you might want some way to sum this (Low Gain Electronics Short Bus and Xaoc Devices have a few trigger multiples). Lastly you might want to look into logic, and there’s a whole world of options there!

      Hope that clears it up. Feel free to message me if not 🙂

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