
14 thoughts on “Examples of Famous Drum Machines in Music

  1. Just wanted to say this post is excellent as is the rest of the Zeroes and Ones blog, especially the reconstructions and tutorial sections. Only discovered you recently via a search for Summer Madness instrumentation – stayed for that and then read everything else.

  2. Hi Ali,

    I’m not sure why Google suggested this to me but I’m glad that they did.

    Interesting stuff!

  3. Thankyou for this post! For someone who knows nothing about drum machine history (I only knew some of the big names) this made sense of it all…and surprised how many songs I grew up listening to that have used these machines… so helpful to have the playlist examples to go with the text

  4. Thank you so much for the embedded playlists with the examples. So much fun to see what contribution each device made!

  5. Surprised the rhythm king didn’t make the list. Sly Stone made that thing a quintissential funk machine

    1. It’s a good shout – the reason is I couldn’t tell you with authority which songs actually use it. I’m sure there are some good lists out there though…

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