
24 thoughts on “‘gazed and Confused: A Guide to Shoegaze in your DAW

  1. This has to be one of the most extensive and rather comprehensive articles I’ve come across on the topic! Really pleased with how in-depth you went about the specifics and more-so with the content creativity and replication utilizing DAWs and vsts. There’s a mountain load of incredible ideas and pointers in here that I very much look forward to digging through for months to come.
    Side note, I may have just found a music tech blog that I have to start following! Thanks so much 🙂

  2. I’ve just read this. I’m going to have to come back and pour over some of your suggestiones/ideas. A big thank you from this Yorkshireman.

  3. Sweet info! Can you get your friend to put that song up on his Bandcamp page? There are quite a few people I know who want to buy it, and it’s the best song he’s ever done.

  4. How wonderful to stumble on such an amazing resource! Thank you for this, Ali, there’s such a wealth of information and creativity here. It’s a sight to behold + very inspiring.
    I’m not even sure if you’ll read this – only just saw the post is three years old! – but just in case you do (and haven’t forgotten your methods completely!), do you remember how you made the base loop for the drone sound on page 2? Where you effect it with the Ableton FX and then the Sampler? I’ve been trying it out (and getting some great sounds) but nothing with that peculiar richness and ethereality of your drone.
    Much appreciated, and thanks again for the article!

    1. I will take a look this evening – best email me on music(at)alijamieson(dot)co(dot)uk because I’m familiar with the section but there’s a few examples there, so I’ll need to pour over them.

  5. I Only Said lead is a flute sample twerked via the pitch bend…

    1. I have read this on various sources on the internet but can’t corroborate it. Live I seem to remember Kevin playing that line on the guitar, as for the studio, who knows! Digging around I found lots of forum posts (untrustworthy conjecture) and this tweet, but I’m unclear what song they’re referring to. *edit* Seems they’re talking about When you sleep.

      There are certainly some more obviously sampled flutes on the album, like at the end of What you want. The only other mentions I could find were of Shields talking about Belinda’s voice.

      If you have some other source I’d def love to hear it though!

  6. Do you still have the drum samples mentioned in this article? I would love to have them!

    1. Sorry I read your comment and am still getting around to this! I will try and find the time this weekend and perhaps publish them for free (for everyone?) to use.


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